How POSaBIT's Discrete SOS Feature Protects Retailers

September 19, 2023


In the cash-heavy cannabis industry, robberies are a common occurence – especially when compared to other industries. At POSaBIT, safety concerns for budenders and managers are paramount. To address this, POSaBIT created a unique, discrete safety feature that offers convenient accessibility, ensuring optimal safety during emergency situations for POS customers. When discretely triggered, this safety feature sends out SMS (text message) alerts to a pre-set list of contacts of your choice. This safety feature is accessible in two places: the POSaBIT POS budtender PIN screen and the top right corner of the POSaBIT portal. With POSaBIT, your safety is a top priority.

To Set Up This Feature:

  1. Login to the POSaBIT web portal
  2. Select the "SOS Alerts" page found under the "Settings" dropdown at the top of the page
  3. Once on the SOS Alerts page, you will be asked to review and approve a disclaimer. By approving this disclaimer the POSaBIT Portal SOS Alert badge will automatically turn on and appear in the top right-hand corner next to the notification bell. Read more about the portal badge below under "To Use This Feature In Case of Emergency".
  4. After approving the disclaimer, you will be prompted to set up your SOS triggers within the "SOS Alerts" box found in the top left-hand area of the page. These settings include:
  • SOS SMS Message: This is the message that each contact will receive. This message will consist of the text "SOS Alert from" and then a part of the venue's address. This will help to ensure that these messages will never be blocked by an SMS provider because they are related to cannabis.
  • SOS Portal Button Enabled?: This flag will enable an "SOS Shield" icon on the POS pin screen. When enabled this button can be used to trigger an SOS alert by pressing it five times in rapid succession.
  • SOS Pin Enabled?: This flag will enable the ability to trigger the SOS alert using a pre-set 4-digit PIN that is entered into the field labeled "4-digit SOS Pin #".
  • SOS Opens Cash Drawer: This flag will automatically open the cash drawer should the SOS Alert be triggered. (See image below)

  1. Once you have set either one or both of the SOS alert triggers, press the blue "Save" button to complete the SOS trigger setup.
  2. Next, right below the alert settings, you will need to set up who will receive the SMS alerts. To do this, enter the contact name and telephone number then press "Create" to generate the new contact profile.
  3. Once all contacts have been created your SOS alerts are fully set up and ready to be used, if needed.

To Use This Feature In Case of Emergency:

There are three different ways to trigger SMS Alerts to your contacts when you feel your safety is at risk: two methods via the POSaBIT POS System PIN screen, and one method via the POSaBIT portal:

  1. SOS Alert Button: On the normal budtender PIN screen, tap the SOS Alert button (blue green shield) in the bottom left corner of the screen 5 times. Once you have pressed the shield five times the leaf on the inside of the shield will turn red letting you know that the alert has been sent. (Please ensure staff members are aware they need to tap the button until the shield icon turns RED). Below are the different states of the SOS button and what each means:
  • The greyed-out shield means that the "SOS Button" trigger is disabled within your POSaBIT portal
  • The green shield means that the "SOS Button" is enabled. When tapped 5x this will trigger an SOS alert.

  • The blue/green shield with a red leaf means that the "SOS Button" is active and has been triggered. This lets you know that an SOS alert has been sent out.

  1. SOS Pin: On the normal budtender PIN screen, enter a secret “SOS” PIN number you predetermined on the normal budtedner PIN screen. Once entered, a message will display saying "Wrong pin - try again" with the triggered badge icon within the pop-up message. This is meant to be a discrete way of letting the budtender know that the SOS alert has been sent out without it being obvious to a normal viewer. (See image below)

  1. Badge Icon: In the POSaBIT portal, click the badge icon in the top right-hand corner next to the notification bell once to trigger this same discrete SMS alert to a list of pre-made contacts. Similar to the SOS alert triggers on the POS, once pressed POSaBIT will automatically send out your venue’s SOS message to each contact that has been added to the SOS Alerts page. This trigger method can be enacted from any computer logged into the POSaBIT portal.

POSaBIT wants to ensure your safety and that of your budtenders, so please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team if you have any questions regarding setting up or using the POSaBIT POS safety system. Safe selling!



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